Dentistry which focuses on the correction of tooth irregularity and improper bites is orthodontics. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the largest group of dental specialists are orthodontists. The men and women in the dental profession help patients of all ages enhance jaw and tooth problems. They can also assist those who request mere cosmetic enhancements.
According to the AAO, or American Association of Orthodontists, there was a discovery by archaeologists of Etruscan and Greek dental appliances which signify humans began practicing as early as 1000 B.C. the science of orthodontics. According to the Smithsonian Institute, Edward Angle, referred to as the father of modern orthodontics, founded the Angle School of Orthodontia in 1900. The work of this American dentist entailed establishing orthodontics classifying the abnormalities of teeth and jaw as a dental specialty. He innovated the devices and procedures used to help rectify these issues as well.
Types of Braces
Orthodontists concentrate in correcting a myriad of dental problems. The issues which are revised by orthodontic regimens entail the following: crowding of teeth, speech difficulties, irregular bite, difficulty chewing, protruding teeth and facial imbalances and missing teeth.
Types of Braces
The most usual form of orthodontic treatment is the fitting of dental braces which help correct overbites, straighten teeth and remove gaps. In conjunction with additional orthodontic appliances such as expansion appliances and headgear, braces are used to influence the development of teeth in younger patients. Retainers are typically worn to help make certain teeth remain in a new position subsequent to braces being removed. In some cases, according to the American Dental Association, orthodontists may decide to use surgery to rework the jaw and teeth.
Time Frame
It is advisable for children to have their initial orthodontic consultation no older than 7-years-old. Although many individuals have corrective orthodontic regimens achieved at an early age, it is not atypical for adults and senior citizens to undertake orthodontic procedures. Depending on the situation of the patient and the regimen used for correction, treatments in orthodontics can endure as little as six months, but may even take at least three years to realize in severe cases.
It is easier to clean straight teeth. They are more efficient in chewing, speaking and biting than teeth with serious irregularities. Individuals who have had treatments in orthodontics also report having less dental problems in later life.